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Robert R. Foster Estate Auction #3, Saturday Morning, February 1st, 2025 @ 9:30 A.M.
This auction will showcase a variety of clocks, including ornate figural clocks, calendar clocks, regulators, and carriage clocks. Additionally, a collection of postcards will be available, featuring Real Photo Postcards (RPPC), portraits, panoramic views, and street scenes. The auction will also include pocket watches, smoking pipes, a store display cane cabinet, Painted china, Salt & Pepper Shakers, German Steins, Slag Glass Lamps, and more. A 10% buyer's premium (onsite only) will be applied to all personal property sold. We have just begun to picture this upcoming collection. Watch for Updates!
10% Buyer's Premium and 6% Sales Tax Charged on All Purchases
Phone and Absentee bidding will be available
Catalog Posted under documents
1-10-25 900+/- Pictures Added
Barry County Expo Center, 1350 N. M-37 Highway, Hastings, Michigan 49058
James Ainsworth Auction, Saturday Morning, January 18, 2025 at 9:30 AM
This is a two-location auction. We will be starting at 9:30 am at 522 Welcome Rd., Hastings, MI then we will be moving to 4072 Messer Rd., Hastings, which is only approximately 1 mile from the first location.
This is only a partial listing. Watch for updates. The sale includes 2003 Chevrolet 2500 4 x 4 Pick-up with Allison Transmission, a Datsun 280 ZX Sports Car and a Nissan ZX 300 with T-tops. Massey Ferguson 165 Tractor, Holder C9700H Unit with 2 Snow Blowers, a GMC 3500 Dump Truck, a Bobcat V518 Versa Diesel Handler, an excellent like-new Retro Riverside RV Trailer with awning. John Deere Z997R Diesel zero-turn mower, 3 or 4 EZ Go Golf Carts; various conditions. An Intimidator XD4 800cc Utility Vehicle. Also, a large quantity of small items being sold. Watch for updates and additional pictures.
10% buyers premium charged on all items sold.
522 Welcome Rd., Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Excellent Real Estate Auction, Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 12:30 PM
Selling this excellent property situated on 14-1/4 wooded acres. The home was built in 2003 and contains approximately 2,000 sq ft. of living space as well as outdoor wood and propane furnaces as well as a whole house generator, stone fireplace, large porch area, rustic decor as well as 2 large pole and utility buildings. An excellent location situated approximately 5 miles northeast of Hastings. Watch for additional pictures and details and plan on taking advantage of this offering.
Open houses to be held:
Sunday, January 5th and 12th from 1:00 - 2:30 pm each day.
4072 Messer Rd., Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Large Antique Tool-Cast Iron-Traps Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at 9:30 A.M.
To be sold in conjunction with the January 11th antique auction.
An impressive collection of antique tools, including planes, axes, hatchets, knives, small anvils, gauges, levels, and more. There is also a great assortment of cast iron pots, pans, and various miscellaneous items. We will be offering approximately 300 traps as well.
Barry County Expo Center, 1350 N. M-37 HIGHWAY, Hastings, Michigan 49058
Coin Auction, Saturday, January 11th at 2:00 PM
Selling this collection of U.S. Coins, Silver Dollars, Silver Eagles, Walking Liberty Halves, Morgan Silver Dollars, Gold Eagles, and a large group of stamps. The collection includes mainly silver issues and investment materials. Watch for catalog to be posted soon.
10% buyers premium charged on all items sold.
Catalog now posted under documents - 1-8-25
***Please note since the posted 2 hours ago we have now added another 61 silver dollars to the catalog. Please see under documents.
Barry County Expo Center, 1350 N. M-37 Hwy., , Hastings, Michigan 49058
Antique Auction, Saturday, January 11 at 9:30 am
Now accepting additional quality antiques and collectibles to round out this auction which already includes antique furniture, stack bookcases, a large collection of banks, a huge collection of jewelry (sterling, costume) including many sought after makers (an estimated 1,000 pieces to be sold). Fountain pens, watches, compacts, match safes, paperweights, 50 hat pins and holders, clocks, pottery, glassware, china, and more. Lionel trains and collectibles. Lithophanes, Contact us early to have your items included in this upcoming event.
A 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
Another 50 pictures of antiques added December 4, 2024
Nearly 100 pictures the jewelry to be sold posted January 7th, 2025
Barry County Fairgrounds, 1350 N. M-37 Hwy., Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Large Antique Marbles Axe Co. Collection - Country Store - Advertising - Gadget Canes - Saturday Morning, January 4th, 2025 at 9:30 AM
Join us for an extraordinary antique auction showcasing an impressive collection from Marbles Axe Co. and a variety of rare historical tools. Highlights include a highly sought-after folding Leroy Spencer (Marbles) axe, two Game-Getters, over 100 knives and axes, Bear trap, Anvil, a significant array of a unique German military collection from a California estate. An excellent group of country stores and advertising have been added. 10% Buyer's Premium will charged on all purchases.
UPDATE: We will be selling the catalog portion of this antique tool collection on January 4th, and the Uncataloged portion will now be sold at our Saturday, January 11th antique auction, which will include antique tools, cast iron pots and pans, and 300+ traps.
Note: On January 4th, a preview will be available on the antique tools, cast iron, and traps that will be sold on January 11th.
10% Buyer's Premium for all items purchased live onsite only.
23% Buyer's Premium for all items purchased through the Live Auctioneers Platform.
Online bidding is now available through the LIVE AUCTIONEERS platform. See the link below.
Note: If you plan on bidding online, you must register with Live Auctioneers( Do not register for this auction on our website. Thank you.
Absentee and phone bidding are available.
Barry County Expo Center , Barry Co. Fairgrounds, 1350 N. M-37 Hwy., Hastings, Michigan 49058
Jeff Wiker Auction, Friday Morning, January 3, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Having offered our property and moving out of state, we will sell all of the following including an excellent Kubota L4060 Tractor with LA805 Loader and only 267 hours (S/N 31515 - ID# 3024015080). Other equipment including Woods 6' 3-point rototiller, 3-point 2-bottom Plow, 3-point Disc, Land Pride RCR 1860 3-point Rotary Mower, 3-point Landscape Rake, and 3-point Woods HBL84-2 Scraper Blade. Also, very good 2016 Haulmark single axle 6x12 Enclosed Trailer with drop ramp, Single axle Utility Trailer with drop ramp and a small single axle utility trailer, 2 John Deere X300 Riding Lawn Mowers with decks, a group of farm items and miscellaneous, new stock tanks, air compressors, motor and pump, sprayer, lawn trailer, push mowers, shelving acetylene welder, Ryobi belt and disc sander, Stihl MS-250 chain saw, Shop Vac, DR Pro XL-DRT Rear tine rototiller, bicycles, wheel barrels, wood porch or patio furniture, patio set, picnic table, a modern kennel or chicken coup, Suzuki C50T Boulevard Motorcycle, some home furnishings, hand tools, a Governor Winthrop Drop-front Secretary, a Jet Table Saw, approximately 40 dozen fruit jars, pressure canners and cookers, a very good chest type freezer, flat screen television. Everything is very clean and in good condition.
10% buyers premium charged on all items purchased.
1437 Fisher Rd., Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Short Notice Public Auction, Saturday Morning, December 21, 2024 at 9:30 AM
Having offered this lake front home for sale and moving, I will sell all of the following including a very good selection of modern home furnishings, living room furniture with leather sofas, chairs, tables and more. Antique Brass National Cash Register, Model 441E, very nice oak 5-piece bedroom suite, antique oak chest, pictures, frames, lamps, Jenn-Air Stainless barbecue grill, John Deere E100 Riding Mower, Generac GP 8000E Generator (used 1 time), Power washer, patio furniture, a portable greenhouse, some tools, side-by-side refrigerator, upright freezer, air compressor and more. This is a nice sale of clean, ready-to-use furniture.
10% buyers premium charged on all items sold.
12433 Valpine Dr., Battle Creek, Michigan 49017
See above
Scott & Cheryl Switzer Auction, Friday Morning, December 20th, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Having sold our farm and moving, we will sell all of the following including Yamaha Kodiak 4 x 4 ATV with front blade, 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit automobile, an E-Z Go Gas Powered Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle with rear box, 3 power push mowers, 2 wheel barrow, Huskee Rear Tine Rototiller, nearly new generator, lawn sweeper, Campbell Hausfeld Power Washer, bicycles, air compressor, a number of Vintage Christmas Blow Molds, a Stihl 024AV Chain Saw, a Ridgid Modern Table Saw, large multi-drawer tool bench cabinet, bench vise, Bosch Pancake Air Compressor, a large quantity of nails, screws, hand tools, extension cords, shop vac, acetylene-type welders, double end grinder, Jet 26" 2-speed Scroll Saw with stand, and a small amount of home furnishings with sofa, chairs, and rustic style log furniture, Cobalt Blue Glass, refrigerator with top freezer, A 2-4 cord of cut and split firewood, A pitcher pump water fountain, a few antiques and collectibles.
A 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
5332 Mills Hwy, Eaton Rapids, Michigan 48827
See above
Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday Morning, December 19th at 10:00 AM
Massey Ferguson 1085 Diesel Tractor with wide front and 3-point hitch, S/N 9B75840 and only 2570 hours, set of 18 - 4 x 34 duals, John Deere 1219 Hay bind, John Deere Model H Ground driven manure spreader, John Deere Par Bar Hay Rake with front dolly wheel, John Deere Par Bar Hay Rake for parts. A Demo trailer-type crop sprayer, John Deere 335 Round Baler, approximately 25 round bales of hay. There may be no other items offered beyond 10:00 am.
A 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
For additional information call Ken Evans at 517-944-0490
13014 Crucible Lane, Sunfield, Michigan 48890
See above
Auction, Saturday Morning, December 14th at 9:30 am
Just Added to the sale International John Deere 4440 D tractor w/cab; Farmall 786D tractor with wide front and cab; And a Ford F250 single cab truck - Selling all of the equipment and small items for Sandalwood Farms and Go Green Landscaping including Massey Ferguson 1840 E Tractor with FLX2407 Front End Loader and FWA with only 303 hours. Also, a Three-Point Harley Rake, a number of Snow Plows and Snow Blowers, a quantity of Livestock Gates, Century Tandem Axle Crop Sprayer, Salt spreaders and De-icers, a Target Masonry Saw, a good group of smalls and other equipment. The list is presently being compiled; watch for updates.
10% buyers premium charged on all items sold.
For additional information, call Alec Kolenda (616) 560-0790.
Preview and inspection to be held Saturday, December 7th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
100 more pictures added on December 4th. Lots to be sold
3725 Norris Road, Williamston, Michigan 48895
See above
Stanton's December Firearm Auction, Friday Morning, December 13 at 8:00 AM
Stanton’s December Firearm Auction
Located at Barry County Expo Center, 1350 N. M-37 Hwy., Hastings, MI 49058
Friday Morning, December 13th, 2024 @ 8:00 am
NOW accepting consignments, collections, and estate accumulations of modern and antique long and handguns of all types. Whether you have one piece, or an entire collection, feel free to contact us. Our recent gun sales have generated over $2,500,000.00 selling to full-house crowds who have attended from all over Michigan, as well as adjoining states and offsite participation. The time of the year, and the approaching hunting season, has always stimulated a great deal of additional activity and participation in these sales. Stanton’s offer free pickups available for collections throughout Michigan, adjoining states and around the country.
Please note a 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
Catalog post under documents
Pictures are coming next week.
Barry County Expo Center, 1350 N. M-37 Highway, Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Large Antique Auction, Saturday Morning, November 30th at 9:30 AM
We are now accepting additional quality consignments of antiques and collectibles for our Thanksgiving Weekend Auction. Already included is an excellent group of Slot Machines, 2 FANTASTIC restored Barber Chairs, some Advertising Items, Heintz Art Metal, Roycroft, Sabino figurine, Rare Roseville Futura wall pocket, Camera, MCB. lamp and shade, Victorian Art tiles, and more including Clocks, collection of barber bottles including many Mary Gregory decorated exasmples, Antique and Collectible Christmas Items, Glassware, Lamps, and Furniture, and a very collectible 1971 Honda CT70 motorbike with an H frame. Just posted 60 pictures of glassware, jewelry and smalls. This will be a large sale. We are looking for all types of quality antiques and collectibles for this event. Call us now to get your items included. We will also be selling a group of coins, including a 1929 U.S. Indian $2-1/2 gold piece, silver ingots,14 W.L. & Franklin & Kennedy Halves, 26 Silver American Eagles, 31 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars including 1878(7 tail feathers), and a 1878cc, etc. (to be sold at 12:00 Noon) and lots more to be sold at this auction.
Watch for the future postings of pictures.
10% buyers premium to be charged on all items sold.
Barry County Expo Center - Barry County Fairgrounds, 1350 N. M-37 Hwy., Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Coins To Be Sold At Auction: Saturday November 30th @ 12:00 Noon
Selling this small collection of coins at 12:00 Noon during our antique auction including 1929 U.S. $2-1/2 dollar Indian gold piece, 19 Morgan Silver Dollars, 12 Peace dollars, 3 South Dakota silver ingots, 14 W.L., Franklin & Kennedy Halves, 26 BU American Eagles, and a large group of medallions, tokens and misc. pieces. See the catalog attached under documents.
Barry County Expo Center , Barry County Fairgrounds, 1350 N. M-37 Highway, Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, November 21, 22 & 23, 2024
Stanton's have begun working on their Fall Music Machine Auction, and are now accepting collections and individual examples for this upcoming event. Stanton's will travel and acquire the collections, packing, cataloging, photographing the items as they are prepared for this large and annual specialized event. Our auctions of antique music machines and related items (phonographs, music boxes, records, automatons, roller organs, etc.) have been held since 1980. We have been fortunate to handle some of the premier collections over the years, and we are working to make our fall event another such auction.
We have already received a fantastic private collection of music boxes with nearly 20 upright disc machines, as well as table models, cylinder and interchangeable cylinder boxes, coin operated examples and more. Also we are pleased to announce that we will be selling the Joseph and Rae Rieping Collection from New York. This large representation was assembled after nearly 50 years of collecting.
If you are interested in participating in our upcoming auction contact us as soon as possible so we can properly promote your items, and bring them to market to the collectors who have a sincere interest. We hope to hear from you and feel free to call to discuss your personal situation.
Call Steven E. Stanton, 517-331-8150, Email -
Online bidding is now available through the Live Auctioneers Platform at
Day 3
Barry County Expo Center, Barry County Fairgrounds, 1350 N. M-37 Highway, Hastings, Michigan 49058
See above
Stanley Baxter Living Estate Auction SALE #2 , Saturday, November 16th at 9:30 AM
Please Note, originally this was planned for Sat. Dec. 7th but has been changed by request of the seller to Saturday, Nov. 16th @ 9:30 A.M. -
This is Sale #2 of the Stanley Living Estate. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of antiques, collectibles, glassware, advertising, furniture, clocks, and lamps, Oil lamps. A very nice group artwork including oil paintings, excellent Bent Panel Filagree Overlay Table Lamp, Jadeite, Fenton Glass, Wedgwood, Victorian Art Glass, Butter churn, pickle casters, crocks, barber bottles, Transferware, Pottery, Christmas, quilts, statuary, home furnishings, china, collectibles and primitives and so much more. *Stan collected, studied, and dealt in antiques for over 50 years. A 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
1011 East Colonial Park Dr., Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837
Stan & Larry Baxter Estate, Saturday Morning, November 2nd @ 9:30 A.M.
JUST ADDED TO THIS LARGE AUCTION is a 2014 BMW 428i xdrive automobile. The car is loaded, we have the title, and it only has 84,000 miles. It will be sold at 10:30 a.m. See the other listing in our auction calendar for information on this large auction.
, , Michigan
See above
Stanley Baxter & Larry Baxter Living Estate Auction, Saturday, November 2nd at 9:30 AM
Just Added - 2014 BMW 428i xdrive automobile with AWD, the car is loaded, we have the title, and the car has only 84,000 miles, it will sell at 10:30a.m. - This is A very large sale! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of antiques, collectibles, glassware, advertising, furniture, clocks, and lamps. A very large group of artwork including oil paintings, excellent Bent Panel Filagree Overlay Table Lamp, Jadeite, Fenton Glass, Wedgwood, Victorian Art Glass, coffee grinders, pickle casters, crocks, barber bottles, Transferware, Pottery, cast iron banks, teddy bears, railroad lantern, quilts, statuary, sporting collectibles including MSU memorabilia, toys, home furnishings, china, collectibles and primitives and so much more. *Stan collected, studied and dealt in antiques for over 50 years.
A 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
1011 East Colonial Park Dr., Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837
See above
Betty J. Harp Real Estate Auction, Friday, November 1st at 12:30 PM
Selling this good two-story country home with 3 bedrooms and a bath, 2 car detached garage and gazebo; all situated on a 2 acre corner lot. Over 1500 sq. ft. of living space. The home has a newer furnace, generator system, central air and more.
Open Houses: Sunday, October 20th from 1:00 - 2:30 pm and Monday Afternoon, October 28th from 4:00 - 5:30 pm.
Call for additional information.
5092 W. Vermontville Hwy., 4 Miles North of Charlotte on M-40 to Vermontville Hwy., then 3-1/2 West, Charlotte, Michigan 48813
See above