Excellent Public Auction, Tuesday Morning, October 12th @ 10 A.M.
Just Added to the Auction: 2006 Range Rover 4 door (white) with new tires, 204,000 miles, see pictures (To be sold at 11 A.M.) - Selling the contents from this 8,000 square foot home that has been sold located on Long Lake in southern Barry County. The sale includes a houseful of quality home furnishings, pool table, decorative items including Coca Cola and Harley Davidson and more. Also a A 2006 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic Legend conversion trike (3-wheel) motorcycle and a motorcycle trailer, Huskee 27T log splitter, Coca Cola painted wood wheel wagon, Yamaha Grizzly 4x4 ATV, JD 160 mower & lots more. The home furnishings include modern and antique examples of living, dining, recreation and family room pieces as well as pantry cupboards, antique National nickel cash register, 2 Kayak's, Antique Coca Cola cooler, Hoosier cabinet, drop front secretary, oak chests, dressers and commodes. Also, tools, compressor, ladders, lawn items, etc. Look over the pictures and plan on attending.