(517) 726-0181
144 S. Main, P.O. Box 146
Vermontville, MI 49096

Farm Machinery Auction: John Gougeon Estate, Tuesday Morning, September 14th @ 10 A.M.

Farm Machinery Auction: John Gougeon Estate, Tuesday Morning, September 14th @ 10 A.M.

Selling this good line of Farm Machinery including J.D. 7720 Turbo Combine with JD 643 corn and grain heads, J.D. 4450 and J.D. 4440 tractors (both with new batteries), Int. 500 Series Bulldozer w/Drott bucket, 4 Parker gravity boxes with gears, JD 8300 drill, J.D. 7000 6 row corn planter, JD 714 7 shank chisel plow, Haybuster stone picker, JD 310 and 215 wheel discs, 15 ft. cultipacker w/transport wheels, Excellent fully restored antique Doctor's buggy, Antique wood wheel wagon, Honda EM2200 generator, shop tool, M.F. 14 HP riding mower (rebuilt motor), some tools and shop items.

Be on time as the entire sale will not take long.  A good line of equipment and smalls, the restored buggy is excellent.

4413 Bradford Road, (2-1/2 miles east of Saranac on M-21 to Johnson Road, 4-1/2 miles north to Bradford Road then 1/2 mile east), Belding, Michigan 48809