Personal Property Auction for the Allen Anthes Estate, Thursday Afternoon, July 22, @ 2:00 P.M.

A large sale of personal property including vehicles, antiques, furniture, modern home furnishings, lamps, tools, lawn and garden equipment and riding mowers, collection of guns, and more. Some of the items include a large and excellent butcher block, flat screen tv's, Super C tractor, 1996 Ford Aerostar van, 1960 Layton travel trailer, 1999 Ford pickup in good condition, 2007 Ford Model 500 4-door, older Honda automobile, oak furniture, mantle & shelf clocks, antique drop front secretary with top bookcase, dinner bell, lanterns, shutters, street signs, crocks and jugs, 4 outboard motors including Clinton and Wizard, patio furniture, ladders, Victorian lock-side chest, parlor tables, oak bedroom furniture, wash sets, fishing boat, trailer frame, rototiller, a few license plates, acetylene welders, shop tools, J.D. 110 and 112 riding mowers, snowblower, fold-up trailer, battery chargers, electric chair, patin shaker, anvil, AC 225 arc welder, Troy-bill rear tine rototiller, parts washer, antique tools, a very large amount of items to be sold.
Also, just found lots of 1960's toys and board games; LP recorded; cigarette lighter including Zippo and others; Antique tools, Cross-cut saws; 2 Antique chests; Grindstone, Signed and numbered Bill Rose waterfowl prints; Korean War military uniform and walkie talkies; Folding and hunting knives. This is a large sale, plan on attending