Walter & Laveda Poyet Estate, Tuesday Morning, July 13th 10:00 A.M.

Selling this large and interesting estate at then Centennial Farm of the family. Everything from home furnishings with living, bedroom & dining room pieces, antiques, crockery, lawn and garden, appliances, an excellent antique Case threshing machine, horse drawn equipment, tools, riding lawn mowers, snowblowers, rototiller, clocks, glass including RS Prussia chocolate set, Swarovski Crystals, Lalique & other crystals, Anri figurines, antique furniture, lots more. See the pictures and plan on attending.
4035 E. Jolly Road, South of Lansing on US-127 to Exit 11 Jolly Road Exit, east on Dunkel to Collins, south to Jolly then 1/4 mile east to the sale site, Lansing, Michigan 48910