Victor Richardson Public Auction, Tuesday Morning, May 4th @ 10 A.M.

Ford 961 Tractor SN-14916, Ford 2000 Tractor w/Loader SN-C353198. An older line of farm equipment including 1 & 2 bottom 3 pt. plows, rotary mower, 3 pt. posthole digger, disc, drags, 3 pt. scraper blade, grader, cement mixer, snowblower, Honda 150cc motorcycle, Exmark Metro riding mower, rear tine rototiller, scaffolding, electric gas tank pump with meter, wood stove, #8 dinner bell, 2 good anvils, a good group of blacksmith tools, hardy's, leg vises, log chains, alum. railroad type jacks; wheel weights, hog scalding kettle, 7 ft. mower, 3 pt. Woods RM306 PTO finishing mower, 3 pt. boom, some home furnishings, smalls, collectibles and miscellaneous. Watch for updates.
15860 29 Mile Road, Albion, Michigan 49224