Edward Dunning Estate Auction, Friday Morning, April 30th @ 10 A.M.

Another offering from this large and diverse accumulation from the Estate of Edward Dunning including one of a kind Kellogg items, Kellogg promo items, Kellogg cereal drop items, antique food packaging, Sterling & plate silver, frames/pictures, Indian stones & artifacts, train locks, HO trains, locks & keys, duck decoys, oil lamps, Antique handcuff set, print block drawers, print blocks, crock ware, glassware, pottery, china, musical instruments, vintage sheet music, bells, sleigh bells, antique model car set, fishing lures, jack posts, antique soldering irons, brass items, reproduction money, toys, books, lamps, old photos, tins, magazines, men's security hats, vintage costume jewelry, glass beads, a least a dozen quilts, six quilt tops, 1 baby quilt, vintage linens, doilies, handkerchiefs, old road maps, vintage Christmas ornaments, Large collection of old postcards, old foreign stamps, small child's rocker, child's wooden cradle, 2 Chicago Schwinn bicycles, many more items too numerous to list.....