Darryl Hale Estate Auction: Tuesday Morning, May 21, @ 10 A.M.

Selling tools, equipment, lawn and garden, as well as some home furnishings. The sale includes a good Bad Boy "Elite" zero-turn mower w/60" deck, Simplicity Broadmoor 16 HP hydro riding mower, 2 wheel trailer, walk-behind line trimmer, lawn trailers, scaffolding, ladders, patio furniture, lawn roller, generator, Dewalt tools, electrical, firepit, tool boxes, cut-off saw, cabinets, compressor, compound bows, Stihl pole saw, vise, Stihl chain saws, bedroom furniture, cedar chest, small safe, other useful items. Be on time as this will not be a long sale.
5317 Mulliken Road, Charlotte, Michigan 48813