Woodward Antique Auction: Saturday Morning, April 6, @ 9:30 A.M.

A large, excellent and diverse collection of antiques, country and early American pieces, primitives, china, baskets, jewelry, sterling silver pieces (candelabra, bowls, etc.), and hundreds of boxes of unpacked antiques and smalls. We will also be selling the tools, shop items, a Haulmark enclosed trailer, a 2 wheel trailer with drop-ramp, a good group of craft, sewing and spinning items including a modern spinning wheel, bottles, jars, oil lamps, wood butter bowls, crocks, some very good furniture pieces, pottery, pattern glass, quilts, indian relics, post and trade cards, County atlas, clocks, Steiff toys, canoe, 3 pt. scraper blade & rotary mower, Generator, copper apple kettle, shop and woodworking tools, and lots more. We will be selling in 2 rings throughout the day.
Here is a general list of some of the items still packed away to be sold, McCoy, Hull, Hadley pottery, Juanita Ware,Antique dolls and toys, Steiff animals, Costume jewelry, Antique tins, Dishware: Lenox, ironstone, Noritake, Antique and vintage, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Antique linens, Wool blankets, Arrowheads and artifacts, Native American basketry and dolls, Antique sewing notions and tools, Depression glass, Oil lamps, Crockery, Spongeware, Mexican and South American fabric, handcrafts, pottery, embroidery, Skittles game, Contemporary pottery by local artists, Antique and modern basketry, Sheep collection, Trailers, Canoe, paddles, Vintage snow shoes, Cherry, tiger maple empire chest of drawers, Antique postcards, advertising cards, Antique books, Louet spinning wheel
Weaving, spinning, knitting supplies and equipment, Beads for stringing—glass and semiprecious stones, Lots of wool yarn, some hand spun, Knives -- pocket and hunting, Gun cleaning and maintenance equipment, Ammunition, Gun loading, antlers, Block and tackle, Lapidary stones, fossils, rock collection, Books gardening, woodworking, collecting, nature guides, Scale, Blacksmithing equipment, forge, and Tools.
Another 35 pictures posted on 3/13/24