John & Roxanne Ripley Farm Auction, Saturday Morning, April 20th @ 10 A.M.

Tractors including J.D. 4440D with duals, 7075 hours; Ford 6700D w/4775 hours; J.D. 3010G w/3625 hours; Combine – J.D. 9510D combine w/cab & duals, “big top”, and Video spreader, 4327 engine hours and 1993 separator hours; J.D. 920 (20 ft.) grain head with new poly skids; 2010 Horst head transport wagon; Hay & Forage, Harvesting, Equipment – New Holland Model 570 square baler; New Holland Model 411 Discbine; New Holland 892 forage chopper, 3 row corn head, hay pickup with JD cutter; New Idea Self-propelled Model 707 diesel harvester, 3 row narrow corn head, & Model 737 husker; Drill and Planters – John Deere No-till drill, Model 1560, (24 row with 7” spacing); John Deere Model 7000, 6 row – 30”narrow row with dry fertilizer; Wagons – Four 8x16 flat rack hay wagons; 7 Gravity wagons (130 – 150 bushel) with running gears, one has a hydraulic auger; 8x14 ft. steel deck wagon; Koby 8x16 ft. wagon; New Holland forage wagon with tandem running gear; Tillage Equipment – 1991 Krause Model 2880 – 7 shank chisel plow; 1996 Krause Model 3950, 21 ft. rock flex wheel disc; International 20 ft. Model 401 drag; Int. Model 315, 20 ft. cultimulcher; 3 pt. 5 shank subsoiler; J.D. 3-16” semi-mount plow; York 5 ft. rake; Livestock Equipment – New Holland Model 352 PTO feed grinder w/extra screens; Gehl feed mixer wagon with scales; New Holland Model 519 manure spreader; Rubbermaid hog waterer; Osborn pig feeder; 2 feeders; 2 Creep feeder panels; 100-300 gallon water tanks; Lots of farm and livestock gates; Piles of rough sawn ash & beech lumber, Cattle panels; 250 treated wooden fence posts; Grain Dryer, Grain Bin, Elevator, Augers – 1981 Kan-Sun grain dryer, 8-32-16 LP gas model; 1981 Cardinal 8x31 ft. transport auger w/5 HP; 1981 8x61 ft. Cardinal transport auger w/7.5 HP motor; Cardinal 6x41 ft. auger with 5 HP motor; 1981 Grain bin, 18x24, 6800 bushel; New Idea 50 ft. bale and grain elevator; 15 ton feed bin; Sprayer – Century 34 ft. sprayer with 20” spacing; Antique Equipment – Hart Red River Special Thrashing machine with 22” drive belt; Rosenthal Husker/Shredder with drive belt; International Cornbinder; McCormick wooden bin grain drill; Empire antique fanning mill or seed cleaner; Miscellaneous – Hasty pressure washer; Tap dies; Pipe threader; Tools and toolbox.
ALSO TO BE SOLD, Very good John Deere 340 Riding Lawn Mower with deck.
100 Additional pictures added on 3/29/24
Please note the previously pictured New Holland Skid Steer loader is not being sold, only the manure bucket for the same.
Inspection to be held on Saturday April 13th from 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
For more information contact John Ripley at (269) 838-9659.