Large Antique & Collectible-Railroad-Pottery & Glass Auction, Saturday, November 25th, 2023 @ 9:30 A.M.

Excellent collection of Railroad collectibles, including lanterns, locks, broadsides, signals, signs, and more. Post Office window, ballot box, wood pulleys, as well as Rookwood and Roseville Pottery, collection of Depression glass, Lladro, Hummels, antique and collectibles of all types, two collections of Fenton Glass, Victorian glass, lots more.
This will be a very large sale, keep watching for updates. Something for everyone. We may sell in two rings due to the quantity.
11-12-23 Just added are 100+ more pictures (of over 100 boxes) they show items from a northern Michigan estate that has been boxed since the 1990's. Some of the pictures show the labels on the boxes and they have not been unpacked, and won't be until the sale. Fenton, Jadeite, glass, china, smalls, and who knows what.
11-12-23 Just added Rare Pocket Watches
- Pocket Watch- Late 1700s,s to early 1800s,s. It's an extremely rare mock pendulum balance. Fusee chain drive movement. Enameled pair case hand tooled.
- Pocket Watch- 1690 to 1720. It's a very rare date wheel for that early. Fusee chain drive. The maker is Charles Cabrier London. silver pair case hand tooled outer case.
400+ Pictures posted.