Stuart Peck Living Estate Auction: Wednesday Morning, December 6th @ 10 a.m.

Due to health issues everything will be sold including home furnishings, shop and hand tools, lawn and garden items including an excellent Husqvarna Zero-turn mower w/MZ54 deck, compressor, generator, tools boxes, organizers, cabinets, DE grinders, drill press, good shelving units, engine stand & hoist, 6 wheelbarrows, lawn carts, ladders, lawn sprayer, hay feeder, freezer, toys, modern mechanical banks and more. Watch for updates & more pictures.
Please note the JD riding mower has been removed at the request of the family
4177 Lacey Road, 1-1/2 miles south of Dowling on M-37 to Lacey Road, then 3 miles east, Bellevue, Michigan 49021