Jack Miller Living Estate, Thursday Morning October 19th @ 10 A.M.

A good diversified sale including 2 Harley Davidson motorcycles including a Road King, New Holland LS G3033 4WD tractor with front end loader SNG38RR003572, Lincoln Continental Town Car, shop, hand and power tools, SnapOn and Kennedy tool cabinets, upright compressor, Lincoln SP100 & Acetylene welders, Very good tandem axle enclosed V-nose trailer, RZR Ranger 800 and Polaris front blade, home furnishings w/Living, dining and bedroom furniture, Eagle statues, power washer, tandem axle trailer, lawn and garden, Predator generator, lots of smalls to be sold.
Also selling the real estate including home, pole barn, and small buildings all located on the Tittabawassee river. See the other listing in our calendar for information on the real estate being sold.