Large Public Auction, Saturday Morning, April 29th @ 9:30 A.M.
A large group of antiques, collectibles, primitives and household items all being sold. *Also a very good 1996 EZGo lifted electric golf cart with new motor, new batteries & new charger, includes painted body, full hood, windshield, rear flipup seat, lift kit, mag rims and nobby tires, runs excellent. Lots of the items to be sold are still packed in 100's of boxes. More pictures to follow as we prepare for the auction. We may be selling in two rings during the course of the auction.
More pictures posted on 4-12-23
More pictures posted on 4-28-23 - See you tomorrow. A large sale
790 E. Bridge Street, South of Bridge in the older Commercial buildings, Plainwell, Michigan 49080