Large Live & Online Antique Auction, Saturday Morning, August 13th @ 9:30 A.M.

A wonderful collection of high quality antiques and decorative arts that range from Chippendale style furniture to Chinese Export porcelain, antique glass and pottery, a wonderful matched pair of knife urns with matching pedestals, early American and other fine paintings, Erte' sculpture, fine china, engraved hurricane shades, a fine Moser signed cranberry vase, Kyd prints, porcelain Victorian coffee pots, Royal Bayreuth, Nippon Moriage, Meissen, toys, a fantastic Majolica blue and white jardiniere with matching pedestal, milk bottles, barber bottles, very good carnival glass, 2 great pieces of Loetz glass, Czechoslovakian, candleabra, and more. We have just begun cataloging the collection, keep watching for updates and more pictures. We will also be selling a large group of uncatalogued items at this sale.
Live Onsite Buyer's Premium 10%