Large Antique Auction, Saturday Morning, July 2nd, @ 9:30 A.M.

A large and diversified auction including advertising, signage, tins, lamps, Disney collectibles, lots of very good paper, magazines, nautical, religious items, furniture, ice cream set, soda fountain pieces, leaded windows, some architectural, Bozo the clown child's coin operated ride, sporting items and collectibles including Seats from Tiger Stadium, Seat from Brigg's Stadium; large dinner bell, Store fixtures, diorama's, cross cut saws and tools, Coke vending machines, advertising clocks and thermometers, peanuts store vendors, ball bats, pew, wood frame boats, coast guard signs, lots of signs, Sea Nymph V bottom boat, bottles, automotive, model boats, Ice cream sign; crocks, Vernor's & Beer signs, ships light, compressor, Bunn-o-matic, Lots and lots more. Watch for updates. Nissan Engel Don Quixote oil on cardboard; 4 Grand Prix Annual Auto Course Books; 5 WWII books, Marshall, John Lindley, etc.; Socrates Statue; Greek Vase; Sports – Autographed Hall of Fame baseballs including Bert Blyleven, Rod Carew, Ferguson Jenkins; John and Jacqueline Kennedy frame portraits
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