David Godfrey Late Model Farm Machinery LIVE AUCTION, Monday Afternoon, May 16th @ 4:00 PM
Just Scheduled - This is only a partial listing - make sure you continue to watch for updates and additional pictures. As the owner has leased his land we will be selling this excellent line of LATE-MODEL farm equipment including Case IN 7120 FWA tractor, Case IN 2388 Axial Flow combine w/6 row corn & grain heads, A never used Johns Drainage Plow and tiling wagon (purchased new and never used - a great opportunity); Ford L-9000 AeroMax Semi-truck and 2 excellent trailer, J.D. 1760 MaxEmerge Plus 12 row folding planter, J.D. 1590 No-til drill, Unverferth Brent 678 grain cart, excellent J.D., Case & Brillion tillage equipment, Demco spray rigs, 3 good transport augers including 2-WR 100-51 and a WR 80-51;
No small items to be sold, be on time as the entire sale will not take long.
Inspection on Thurs., Fri. and Saturday MAY 12, 13, and 14th - 9:00 - 3:00 PM daily or by appointment with the owner, David Godfrey (517) 202-9154.
If you are unable to attend Stanton's can set up phone bidding allowing you to participate in this excellent offering.