Real Estate & Personal Property; William Morris Estate, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th @ 4:00 P.M.

Sale of Real Estate & Personal Property - Selling this 3 bedroom home with 2 baths, kitchen with oak cupboards, dining, living and family rooms, with laundry room area and a large 20x30 attached garage. The property is situated on a good corner lot, near the Lakeview Middle and High Schools. City utilities, natural gas forced air furnace, central air, all in good condition. SEV. $70,181.00
Also selling the home furnishings, collectibles, furniture, glass, nice spinet piano, tools, snowblower, chain saws, Nearly new Smart Flat Screen television, White dining room, Drexel Bedroom, and living room furniture, ladders, SP lawn mower, smoker, with wood chips, and small items. See pictures.
Please Note - Sale day the personal property begins selling at 4:00 PM and the real estate will sell at 6:00 PM
Open Houses will be held on Sunday April 24th and Sunday May 1st from 1:00 - 2:30 PM each day