Larry Wilkins Estate Auction - Saturday Morning, April 2nd @ 10 A.M.

All of the equipment form Mr. Wilkins Lawn Care Business will be sold including tractor, mowers, tools, trailers, etc. along with other personal property. Some of the items to be sold include Ford 801 Series Powermaster Diesel tractor (Mr. Wilkins had this rebuilt in the last 2 years), 3 pt. King Kutter rotary mower, Woods 3 pt. finishing mower, 3 pt. blade & boom, Ferris IS 3000 Zero Turn Mower, 18 ft. trailer with drop ramp, 14 ft. trailer, other smaller trailers, Lawn vacuum collection assembled trailer, Stihl equipment with 3 backpack mowers, line trimmers, power hedge trimmers, pressure washer, Cushman Scooter (no motor), Boat lift, canoe, paddle boat, Century wire feed welder, tool chest, hand tools, drill press, cut-off saw, power tools, other items including an antique lowboy dresser, kitchen cupboard, Honda small garden rototiller, log chains, lawn tools, dinner bell, etc. Mrs. Terry Wilkins, Owner.
See pictures under photo gallery.