(517) 726-0181
144 S. Main, P.O. Box 146
Vermontville, MI 49096

John Gray Estate Auction: Thursday Morning, April 21st, @ 10 A.M.

John Gray Estate Auction: Thursday Morning, April 21st, @ 10 A.M.

Tools, shop items, lawn and garden, trailer and more including Craftsman DGS6500 riding mower, Very good Single axle trailer with drop ramp, Acetylene and Arc welders; metal brake, sandblaster, tool chests, hand tools, power tools, lawn blowers, trimmers, etc., Propane heater, air compressor, landscaping sandstone, BBQ grills, snowblower, Pressure washers, lawn trailer, Craftsman tool chest, Compressor, new wire and ext. cords, alum. ext. and fibre glass ladders, nailers, floor jack, vise, A complete train and Christmas Village building set-up (see pictures), furniture with couches, keyboard organ, sewing machines, Animal mount, Good Schwinn recumbant exercise bike, small appliances, Waterfall chest and dresser; Sports Afield gun safe with digital lock, turkey fryers, models, DVD's, Mahogany china hutch, more. Patricia Gray, Owner

8291 W. Tyrell Road, I-69 to Woodbury Road Exit (98), 1-1/2 N to Bath Road, 1/4 east to Woodbury Road, 2-1/2 north to Winegar Road, 1 mile east to Colby Lake road, then 1-1/4 mile north (to sale at 8291 Tyrell Road, Laingsburg, Michigan 48848