Estate of Loy L. Nash Auction, Veronica Nash, Owner, Friday Morning, December 3rd @ 10 A.M.

Selling the home furnishings, wood working and tools, along with antiques, lawn and garden and more. Included is a J.D. X300 riding mower, Like new Troy-bill Storm 5024 snowblower, Timber Ridge gun safe, office furniture, antique combination bookcase & secretary, living room and bedroom furniture, Yamaha component system and Klipsch speakers, antique pump organ, Acetylene welder, ladders, ext. cord, tool chest, hand tools, Nova lathe, new shingles, Craftsman 10" table saw, Jet Dust collection system, compressors, band saw, power tools, jointer, Nova Comet II lathe, drill press, cut-off saw, nailers, sawmill, Westinghouse 7500 generator with elec. start, Mercury outboard motor (needs work), ladders, lots more.
Auction flyer now posted under view more and documents.
Also selling this very good home and real estate. See the other listing on this website for information on the property