Doug Sherman Auction, Tuesday Morning, November 23, @ 10 A.M.

Having offered my home for sale we will sell all of the following including living room furniture, oak dining room set with 6 chairs, tables, TV tray set, copper & brass, brass plumb bobs, antique glassware including carnival glass, Blenko, 2 barber bottles, humidifier, chest, sleeper sofa, fishing equipment including rods and reels, steins, books, bookshelving, ash stands and smoking collectibles, Camel sign, knives, tools, band saw, golf clubs, Craftsman 12" band saw, drill press, lantern, shop vac, patio furniture, iron wheels, garden cultivator, cross cut saw, J.D. LX176 riding mower, Huskee 18.5 HP riding mower, Snowblower, trailer type lawn sweeper, step & ext. ladders, ext. cords, Edger, spreader, rototiller, power push mower, Coleman generator, wheelbarrows, water hose, gas cans, Bostitch trim Air compressor, DE grinder, lumber, lawn & garden tools, croquet set, Craftsman table & radial arm saws, Gas leaf blower, Cut-off saw, bench vise, live traps, lawn roller, tables, porch gliders, small items.