Large Estate Auction: Bernie Wagers Estate, Saturday Morning, August 14, @ 9:30 A.M.
This is a huge and diversified auction. Antique & Collectors cars including an excellent 1963 Ford Galaxy, 2 Edsel's, Chrysler PT Cruiser, Pontiac Bonneville, 2 Pickup Trucks, and others, group of long and handguns (list to follow), 2019 J.D. 1025R Compact tractor with JD 120R loader, 60" belly mount mower & only 86 hours use; 4 boats, 2 candies & 20+ outboard motors (all sizes & ages), 3 very good portables buildings & storage 10x16 etc., JD X500, 318 riding mowers, canoe, power equipment, Very good Cargo Express 18 ft. enclosed tandem axle trailer, 100's and 100's of vintage and various models, cars, airplanes, etc., poly folding tables, and lots more. The buildings are full, the storage barns are full, plan on spending the day. We will be selling in two rings throughout the day