Tim Robertson Public Auction; Saturday Morning, May 1st @ 10:00 A.M.
Selling home furnishings, antiques, excellent lawn and garden equipment, tools and more including a 2019 Country Clipper Challenger Zero-Turn mower (Model 2460KAJ-D500, with a commercial Kawasaki 24 HP motor, excellent; 2015 Single axle trailer with loading, Smith & Wesson Model 17 K22 Masterpiece, unfired hand gun with 6" barrel, designed as a target revolver, High Standard 1911 in .45acp; High Standard 22 cal. Duramatic; Marlin Model 60 .22 caliber rifle, Rossi .357mag deer rifle with scope, S&W .38spl model 638-3 Airweight revolver with pocket holster and original box; a collection of crocks, jugs, etc; Power washer; lawn and garden tools; DR electric operated road grader; Simplicity 7116 riding mower; tool chests, radial arm saw, Echo backpack blower, Sandblaster, Shooting targets, Stihl MS171 chain saw, Dewalt DW735 planer, air compressor, metal band saw; Delta Contractors saw; Band saw; Jointer; Husqvarna chain saw; drill press; Turkey fryer, Curio cabinet, bedroom furniture, excellent oak office unit; black powder replace, gun safe, bedroom furniture including an Amish made Mission style bed in oak with a remote control adjustable base, meat grinder, tool chest, Compound miter saw; Tools, bench vise, Wii and wiifit console and more. Watch for updates.