(517) 726-0181
144 S. Main, P.O. Box 146
Vermontville, MI 49096

Don & Donna Tirrell Estate Auction, Friday, March 28th at 10:00 am

Don & Donna Tirrell Estate Auction, Friday, March 28th at 10:00 am

An excellent complete estate auction including tractors, some farm machinery, vehicles, home furnishings, tools, and antiques. We have just listed this sale so continue to watch our website for updates and additional pictures. Included is a Deutz DX110 Tractor with 4986 hours, S/N 76201315 and a Kubota M7040 MFWD Tractor with LA1153 Loader, S/N 85341. Also a 2011 Legend 12' Dump Trailer #1L9610DT1B1317644. Everything has been well cared for and ready to use.

10% buyer's premium will be charged on all items sold.

We will also be selling this excellent 226 acre farm and home.  See the listing on our website for information.

676 W. Broadway Hwy., 2 Miles South of Charlotte or 1/2 Mile North of I-69 on Cochran to Broadway, then 1/2 Mile West, Charlotte, Michigan 48813