James Keel Estate - Tuesday Morning, September 10th @ 10 A.M.

The sale includes a 1972 Dodge Charger, 2 - Ford Thunderbirds, & Pick-up Truck, all in "as found" condition. 2003 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 (100th Anniversary) Motorcycle, BMW Motorcycle, John Deere X738 Lawn & Garden Tractor, Farmall H Tractor, 2-wheel trailer, very good Husky 22-ton Log Splitter, home furnishings, oak roll top desk, rototiller, air compressor, very good Cyclo Rake Leaf Collection System, shop tools, 30 rolls of new insulation and more. Please be on time. A 10% buyers premium will be charged on all items sold.
Stanton's are also selling this home situated on a 10-acre parcel with pond and pole barn. See the other listing on our website for more information.
7690 E. Herbison Road, Bath, Michigan 48808