Tom & Shirley Beuchler Auction, Wednesday Morning, December 20th @ 10 A.M.

Having sold our property we will sell all of the personal property including tools, lawn and garden items, excellent collection of firearms and ammunition, power and shop tools, stereo mixer and large speakers, Oxygen/acetylene cutting torch with tanks and cart, an excellent U.S. made "Backyard Buddy" hydraulic car lift or hoist, 9,000 lb. capacity (original cost over $8,000; Stihl chain saws, scaffolding, hunting stands & ladders, some home furnishings w/dining room suite, living room furniture, gas stove, small refrigerator, 5 HP outboard motor (never used), Baldwin piano, patio furniture, grills, generator, JD 490 4 row cornplanter, drag, gas powered chipper, canoe, 80 (correction as it was noted as 120) ft. sectional antenna tower, rototiller, chain saw blade sharpener, weightlifting bench and weights, electric stove, live traps, Stihl FS85 line trimmmer with attachments, conibear traps, 6 gun wooden gun case with glass door, 1940's "Straight 6 engine, and lots more.
The list of guns includes:
- Browning Invector BPS Special 12 gauge pump shotgun
- Remington 11-87 Premier 12 gauge automatic shotgun
- Remington 11-87 Premier 12 gauge automatic shotgun
- Lanber Arms sa-usa 12 gauge over/under Model 2009 Super Lanber
- Lanber Arms sa-spain 12 gauge over/under Wingshooter Limited
- Mossberg Ducks Unlimited Silver Reserve with 12 gauge and 20 gauge interchangeable over/under barrels
- Knight Black Powder Muzzle Loader 50 caliber
- Remington Model 597 semi auto 22 caliber LR
- Winchester Model 121-D bolt action 22 caliber SL or LR
More pictures added 12/12/23