Richard Clark Estate Auction, Personal Property, Wednesday Afternoon, August 16th, @ 3 PM

A good and diverse auction of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Powder River Cattle Squeeze Chute (on trailer) with gates & panels (excellent), motorcycles, trucks, small items, tools and more. Some of the items include motorbike, 3 pt. pto spreader, Trac Vac leaf collection system, John Deere 850 tractor w/JD 70A loader, Case 930 tractor, Stihl backpack blower, JD 550 3 pt. rototiller, rototiller, Nearly new front scraper blade, ATV's (Yamaha), Snowmobiles and an Arctic Cat single axle enclosed trailer with drop ramp, JD 700 pto feed grinder, Good 3 pt. hydraulic post driver, Gravity boxes and various wagon gears, Very good 1980 Chevrolet Custom Deluxe 30 farm truck with Omaha Standard Grain box, excellent; antique wagon gears, some architectural home pieces, J.D. 446 round baler, radio tower, Harley Davidson FLH 80 cu. in. motorcycle, Harley Davidson AMF Super Glide motorcycle, M.F. 33 grain drill; J.D. VanBrunt grain drill, Laramie SLT pickup truck, PTO seeder, stock tanks, trailer type sprayer, platform scales, Good livestock feeder wagon and gear, bale and grain elevator, wire corn crib, 1994 , Aluminum fishing boat, Dodge Ram 1500 V8 pickup truck; 7 ft. trailer type mower, more.
Sale Order - 3 PM at 9479 Baseline Road, Battle Creek selling equipment, tools, miscellaneous; Approximately 4:30 P.M. we will go 1/2 mile to the west to 9286 Baseline to sell more equipment and related items. At 6 PM we will go back to the 9749 location to sell the real estate. Please be on time.
7-22 - Just Added - Excellent 2003 Chevrolet Extended LS Venture Van - Only 5,017 Miles. Look at the pictures under the gallery for more details. Also 2000 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Motorcycle
Auction flyer now posted under documents